Friday, March 13, 2009

Introducing my photography blog

So, here it is. I have family blog, a personal blog, and now a photography blog. What does that say about me. Amongst other things, it says I am married to a man who writes blogging software. haha.

I’ve been “trying” to get an official photography website up, but it is taking way too long, mostly because I do not know how to create a website, only blogs…LOTS of them, in fact. So, this blog will have my rates and my most recent work on it. I’m still dreaming of my website, but this will have to do for now. I’m not so crazy about the look of this one, so it may go through several changes, but I really have to stop obsessing for now and let it be.

I originally thought I would go through my work and post it all chronologically (cause I have a bit of OCD), but I’m letting that go and will just post shoots randomly. Wow….I know….quite the daredevil I am. Brace yourselves for CRAZINESS! ha.


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